Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to Self Destruct as a Manager

There are many ways to sabotage your success as a manager. Many of these factors are under your control while other factors may be attributed to external forces. Listed below are ten ways (not inclusive, I’m sure there are many more ways to screw up) that can have negative consequences for you, your direct reports, and others that have to work with you.

  1. Doesn't communicate

  2. Ignores direct report development

  3. Ignores their own development

  4. Let's their hidden agenda drive their action

  5. Ignores the business needs of the organization

  6. Apathy

  7. Plays favorites

  8. Refuses to consider other perspectives

  9. Treats people as commodities

  10. Work-life balance is non-existent

These factors are not listed in any order. It may be worth your time to scan these and see which one(s) stand out in your mind. Feel free to reply with other ways you have seen managers impact their performance.

I'll treat each of these factors in more detail in upcoming posts. Thanks!

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